Pipe Support Insulation

Traditionally, pipe insulation protection shields utilized simple wood block or dowel inserts for support at hanger locations. However, the landscape has evolved significantly. Growing environmental concerns, particularly regarding mold and mildew, coupled with an increased focus on sustainable construction, have prompted engineers to reevaluate their support systems for optimal efficiency. Moreover, modern specifications often require colder piping systems for chilled water and other cold lines, necessitating a broader range of pipe insulation support options than what manufacturers currently provide. This shift in requirements has led to a reassessment of traditional methods and materials used in pipe insulation support. As a result, the industry is witnessing a trend towards more innovative, environmentally friendly, and versatile solutions that can effectively address these new challenges while maintaining the integrity and efficiency of piping systems across various applications.

Our Expertise

ASA LOC-S represents an innovative pipe insulation support system, engineered to comply with MSS Standard SP-69 set by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry. Each ASA LOC-S unit is custom-formed to match the pipe’s outer diameter, ensuring a precise fit.

While conventional pipe support insulation often relies on high density and compressive strength, these properties don’t always guarantee optimal condensation control and can lead to cracking at load-bearing points. In contrast, ASA LOC-S features a carefully calibrated density designed to support the weight of pipes, valves, flanges, and internal fluid media without compromising its thickness. The system’s engineered compressive strength adheres to recommended support spacing guidelines, effectively extending the overall lifespan of the piping system. This innovative approach balances durability with performance, offering a more efficient and long-lasting solution for pipe insulation support across various applications.